Since 2008 we have been working to give comfort to families when it is needed most, education to those who can potentially reduce a child’s risk of a sudden death, and hope for an answer where there currently is no explanation.
What We Do
Our Mission at Lach’s Legacy:
Fighting SIDS in SD
Connection. Comfort. Hope.
We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that is dedicated to the fight against SIDS (and other sleep-related infant deaths) in South Dakota.
For those grieving the loss of an infant, you are not alone! Many bereaved parents find their greatest source of comfort and healing is connection with others who have experienced a similar loss. We strive to help families make those valuable connections with other SIDS families.
Connection is also valuable to our goal of SIDS prevention. Connecting those who care for babies with the resources, education, and motivation they need to provide infants with safe-sleep environments is essential to reducing the incidence of sudden infant deaths.
In addition to building connection in the SIDS community, we work to provide grief support for those South Dakota families who have experienced the unexpected loss of a baby. We offer comfort to grieving hearts through a care package of items that can give a starting point to the long road of healing.
Finally, we aim to foster hope. Hope for meaningful healing of grief and a return to feelings of peace and joy, even in the midst of the deep sorrow of losing a child. Hope, that by SIDS education and awareness we can reduce the number of SIDS deaths that occur. And hope, that by contributing to the efforts of SIDS-related research we can come to understand the underlying cause(s) and prevent those deaths from occurring entirely.
“My husband and I received your care package some weeks ago, and though I unpacked it at the time, I have just recently read through some of the materials. Thank you so much. It is a wonderful thing that you are doing for people.”
Why We Do It
Lachlan Jon Edwards
JUNE 21, 2007-MAY 12, 2008
When Lachlan was born, he brought with him a lifetime of hopes and dreams. We loved to see our little family grow, so proud of our two little boys. We couldn't wait to watch a friendship develop between these brothers and had fun watching the boys interact with each other. We glowed watching Lachlan meet all of his milestones. At 10.5 months, he was walking along the furniture, learning animal sounds, loved playing peek-a-boo and ball. His smile made the room brighter. Our hearts were so full!
And Then…
One May day, I got the call that every parent fears the most. Lachlan had been napping at daycare and was found not breathing. EMT's were called immediately, but nothing could be done to revive our precious boy.
We were sent into the tailspin of grief. To have someone so precious torn from our lives so suddenly, I searched desperately sources of comfort. I found that locating good resources in South Dakota was not easy to do, and I really had to actively search for things to help me in my grief. I learned that, for myself, connecting with other families who had experienced a similar loss brought a kind of comfort that nothing else could. I couldn't stand the idea that other families would experience a sudden and unexpected death of a baby and be left in the loneliness of that loss to find their own sources of comfort and to trudge through their grief alone. And so Lach's Legacy was born. First to work in preventing families from ever having to experience this tragedy, and second to provide a warm embrace of comfort in the wake of the unimaginable.
What We've Achieved
We have provided care packages for over 125 South Dakota families who have experienced the unexpected loss of an infant.
$55,000 has been donated to SIDS-related research projects.
More than $14,000 has been donated to the CJ Foundation to support the fight against SIDS at a national level.
We have provided opportunities for nearly 100 different bereaved families to connect with one another through our events, social media, and by personal contacts.
We have created some meaningful awareness about grief, SIDS, and safe-sleep.
Last updated July 2023