17th Annual Event
Mother’s Day
May 11, 2025

Join us In-Person or Virtually

for a casual and family-friendly Mother's Day 5K race/run/walk generously sponsored by Monument Health and CatholicPsych Institute.

This event is a place to gather the people that we love and participate together in memory of the ones that we are missing.

It is a place to celebrate motherhood in its fullness of love, joy, gratitude and sorrow. We invite bereaved mothers to have their children included on our list of children remembered and their names will be listed on the back of our event t-shirt. (See below for more details)

In person event will be held in Spearfish, SD, or participate virtually from wherever you are!

Early-Bird Registration Rates
Register by April 25th to take advantage of the lowest price and to be sure your event t-shirt is guaranteed!
Adults: $25
Kids 12 and under: $20
All kids are welcome to attend and registration for them is not mandatory.
It is only necessary to register children if you would like them to get a t-shirt, be eligible for awards, and count toward your team totals.

with deep gratitude to our sponsors

Include Your Child(ren)
In our list of those we run to remember

All requests are due by April 5th!
Sorry, no exceptions.

When your child is included their name will be listed on the back of the event t-shirt, they will be featured in our event slide show, and for our in-person participants a physical sign will be posted along the race course.

Here’s what we need from you:

  • Your child’s name as you would like us to use it (most use first, middle, and last)

  • Date of birth, date of death, and age

  • A favorite photo
    Photos are used in the format pictured. A horizontal photo works best, but we can crop and zoom to make others fit. The higher the quality of photo you have available, the nicer the sign will be.

  • Register as a race participant by April 5th

Send all of the above information in an email to: connect{at}lachslegacy{dot}org

There is no greater gift to a grieving parent than to remember their child, to say their name, and to walk beside them with a reverence for what they have lost.

Participate Together

The team with the most participants will get a special acknowledgement on race day and a digital certificate to commemorate their team effort!

virtual Participants:

“They say in heaven that a day is as a thousand years. It comforts me to imagine my child running ahead of me through a beautiful field of wildflowers and butterflies; so happy and completely caught up in what he is doing that when he turns to look for me, I’ll already be there.” (Unknown source)

The 5K walk/run is a suggested distance, with the actual activity to be done on your own.
There will be no official times, places, or awards for virtual participants.
T-shirts are printed in bulk and your swag will be mailed to you the week before the event.

We encourage you to join our Facebook group “Run for Their Lives! Virtual 5K” to show your participation and your support! Use #RunforTheirLives2025 for all your social media posts!

Post pictures of your race scenery, your race group, and your sweaty selfies! Share your thoughts on the event and your comments and encouragement to our bereaved moms and ALL the moms who are participating. Through this group, we’ll also aim to keep you in the loop on the live events of the day!

In-Person Participants
(Spearfish, SD)

You get the benefit of all the in-person warm-fuzzies that come with being in the presence of others who are coming together for one cause, the option of a chip-timed 5K, an opportunity for awards, refreshments, and some sweet deals at our silent auction!

We would also love to have you join our Facebook group “Run for Their Lives! Virtual 5K”to share the photos of your day! Use #RunforTheirLives2025 for all your social media posts!

Schedule of events:

12:00 - Race-Day Registration and Packet Pick up Begins
Silent Auction Opens

1:00 - 5K Run/Walk Begins

2:00 - Awards
Silent Auction Closes

All events will take place starting and finishing at
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
844 N. Fifth St, Spearfish, SD

We are offering chip timing for those who would like an official race time and to be eligible for awards. A big thanks to our timer, Darren Paulson, for helping make the finish line a smooth operation and to expedite the awards!

Spearfish course map.jpg

Course Map

5K (3.1 miles)
Starting near St. Joseph's Catholic Church, run along Canyon St, then Winterville Dr will connect you to the bike trail. Follow the bike trail back to the Fish Hatchery, along the creek in the City Park, through Salem Park, under the bridge at Jackson Blvd, and back to the finish line on Kansas St.

Photos from previous years