Ways to Support Parents Going Through Bereavement
NewsCenter1 with Anya Mueller
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, Anya Mueller sat down with a local woman who knows this pain all too well, and has made it her mission to support others going through similar experiences.
A Black Hills Family Used Their Pain to Create Lach’s Legacy
KOTA News with Miranda O’Bryan
RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) - Coping with the loss of a family member isn’t easy, especially when the loss is a child. One Black Hills family took the grief of losing their son and created a network to help other families.
The Edwards' are like any other family but 12 years ago they faced an unimaginable tragedy. The unexpected death of their baby.
Remembering these Black Hills Cuties
Lach’s Legacy was able to sponsor an ad in the fall issue of Black Hills Parent Magazine to remember these Black Hills Cuties with their families.
Lach’s Legacy: Making an Impact
Black Hills Parent Magazine
Losing a child is one of the most painful experiences any parent will ever endure. When Bri and David Edwards received a telephone call from son Lachlan’s daycare provider in 2008 informing them that their 10-month-old hadn’t awakened from his morning nap, their lives were shattered.